On Wednesday we started our leg design. We had to first clean off the bench and wipe it down with water and paper towels to make sure there wasn't anything like dust or pencil shavings that the paint could dry over. When we finished this we put a trash bag over the parts of the bench that we didn't want to get paint over and then started our design. We're not giving anything away so a little hint is that it is super messy. Our design took a long time to finish, but it was really fun. After we finished we went over the entire bench in like a 5th coat of white. We painted white in between letters, pictures, words, etc. It took a very long time to make sure we didn't get any white paint over anything we had already painted. We had to let the paint dry so we stopped there and are going to finish the other coat on Thursday, and then the bench will finally be done!
Today was a good day. Since I missed the first two days of painting the bench, I helped catch up on finishing the top coat. Katelyn and Mack got the white paint on Tuesday and Wednesday and painted the first coat of white. They had to leave it to try for 24 hours so today we all painted the second coat and covered all the nooks and crannies that were originally missed. We have to leave the paint to dry for another 24 hours so we can start the design. We are going to start at the thrift shop on Monday!
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